Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cracking Up

Oh no! This cup!!! It was one of the few non-broken, decently-sized cups we had in our kitchen, and then I broke it. No one knows yet. It's still sitting accusingly on the edge of my sink, maybe waiting for me to drop it one more time and finish the job properly. It happened so fast, officer... I don't really know... one minute I was rinsing out wine dregs (actually can you strike that from the record?) and the next thing I knew the cup was history. You can't blame me entirely... it was a musical emergency, and we've all had those. I had to act fast to change the song that was just beginning from a gut-wrencher to a mindless head-bopper; otherwise the entire fragile mood of buoyancy and giddiness that I had worked hard to cultivate would have been shattered. And when it comes to my cup or my emotional state, I'm afraid the cup gets the short straw. But if I keep this up, pretty soon we'll be drinking out of jam jars and tupperware containers.

Other terrible kitchen-related news: our two feeble hot plates have finally quit working altogether, so now 100% of our cooking has to be done WITH A MICROWAVE. ugh. I've been eating a lot of cereal and clementines. At least that covers two food groups, but LORDY, my kingdom for an oven.

Unrelated paragraph: people have asked me recently if it's okay for them to share this blog address with others (don't you love how the anonymity of the word "people" implies that I have legions of readers bursting to tell their friends about this?). Answer: DO IT!! I don't write things on the internet because I want them to be secret! And the only way I'm ever going to make $40,000/month and convince my unknown future husband to quit his job and manage my writing career is if I keep writing, and people keep reading. And pretty please, say hello in the comments once in a while... it gets lonely on the internets sometimes.

Blog posts for everyone!!!

Early-morning view of Faidherbe from my bedroom window


Jen said...

Three food groups! don't forget the milk! Just sprinkle in some pepperoni and you'll be set :)

megan said...

mmmmm peperoni corn flakes.....

Unknown said...

nice early morning view from your window - it looks like countryside.