Thanks, Air Canada! Thanks for that complementary soft-bristle toothbrush you gave me! It totally makes up how you misplaced my giant duffel bag full of stuff. I know, I know, you've been vigorously scratching your head and saying "hmmm, looks like it's still missing" whenever I ask, even if I have that annoying habit of asking every 15 minutes. Thank you. Your complete lack of sincere concern is calming, and your talents are prize-worthy. There should be an entire Internet niche of amateurs on video trying to recreate that magical way you can make entire suitcases vanish - YouTube imitation, the ultimate flattery. If you ever find the bag with my camera inside, I'll be the first to post.
Oh, sigh. Not a very happy blog post I'm afraid. It's been a looooooong week, but the week is over, and that means I am already feeling 5000% better. I just wish I could hire someone to plan all my lessons for me, and also someone to hassle Air Canada so I can take a break. I would give those people nicknames: Will-You-Marry-Me would be the lesson planner, and Ultra-The-Best would be the Air Canada hassler. Applications now being accepted.
oh Meg, I'm so sorry about the lost luggage. I can totally hassle Air Canada for you. Don't forget I worked for almost 2 years as a collection agent, I can be quite annoying and persistant when I want to be. Just give me the number and relevant info and I'll annoy them to no end! no joke! Plus, it will distract me from the fact that I still don't have a job...
Oh V, that would be so great!!! I will pay you back somehow! Maybe a lifetime supply of brownies and massive vodka juices?
That sucks about not yet having a job! I guess you're still at your parent's place, which means no Skype yet? We need another one of those old-fashioned, soul-lifting goofy conversations!! Actually maybe this is more appropriate for an email... okay, switching mediums now....
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