Saturday, October 25, 2008

Impossible Germany

At the Sunday morning market in Lille


To celebrate, my friend Lara and I went to Domino's (the only place serving food within a bazillion mile radius of Faidherbe on a Saturday night) and ordered the Frenchiest pizza on the menu: Four Cheese, including one that was stinky and blue-ish.

I have a sudden and very convincing reason (ask me over a beer) to go to Germany, so... I'm going. That's the beauty of Europe. Tomorrow I will be in the tiny village of Ürzig, and on Monday, if everything goes according to plan and my complete lack of German doesn't trip me up too terribly, I will step off a train and into the streets of Würzburg. Faidherbe is starting a week and a half of holidays and, by george, I'm going to profit from them.

With colleagues from Faidherbe... luckily giggling is a universal language

I've been trying to figure out how to post an mp3 to this blog, but it seems too complicated so instead I'll just embed from YouTube. If you don't already know this song: listen to it. Life is better with Wilco as a soundtrack.

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